
Current Month

This is the OOC comm for [info]havenwood. Feel free to peruse the announcements, news, updates, and discussions to the right or explore the community at large using the links below in the sidebar.


We are currently playing in the month of June, 2017. Members, please make sure to date all threads, logs, and narratives accordingly. When you're ready to move on, please let us know by leaving a comment in the Members Dropbox.

Members Only

Sep. 26th, 2019




So if I'm correct, below are all the threads I owe replies to and vice versa. All the threads that I can move, have been moved and re-posted.

  • Aisling/Flynn: We'll Meet Again (Flynn owes a reply)
  • Anya/Eric: Coming Home (Eric owes a reply)
  • Diana/Declan: An Unexpected Guest (Declan owes a reply)
  • Diana/William: Untitled Scene w/ William (William owes a reply)
  • Josh/Flynn: Joining the Team (Flynn owes a reply)
  • Zee/Flynn: Closing For The Night (Flynn owes a reply)
THREADS OWED TO ME If you believe the list is incorrect, please let me know here at my CDJ.

Aug. 3rd, 2019



Apps & New Cast List

Hey everyone!

As some of you are aware, I've created a new taken PB list which can now be found on its own journal, [info]havenwoodcast. You can search for characters by Gender, Player, Species, and Taken PB. There are definitely other features that might be added to the list down the road but, for now, I thought these were the most important. If you think otherwise, please let me know either down below or in the Members Dropbox.

With the creation of the new cast list, however, comes the realization that there are still a lot of apps that haven't been transferred over from JCINK. Under the cut is a list of who still needs to bring their apps/bios from JCINK over to IJ. If there is a * by the characters name, it means I'm unsure whether or not this character is still technically active or not (or you're unsure?). Read more... )

So my goal/preference with the apps is to get the majority of them moved over by August 30th. This is a loose deadline but I also don't want to drag this out for weeks so I would really like to try to get this completely wrapped by September 15th. If this is going to be a problem for anyone, please let me know as soon as you absolutely can so I'm aware and can work with you. If you have questions, you know what to do!


Aug. 1st, 2019




Hey, hey!

Amanda here with a new character, Natalie Beckett!

Natalie has been in Havenwood for quiiite a long time -- the last fourteen years to be exact. She's Eric Payne's ex-girlfriend and the owner of a dance/yoga studio in town, Tip Tap Toe. When not working at the studio or practicing some yoga on a grassy patch in town she can pretty much always be found doing something else outside. She's friendly and excitable, competitive and passionate, and always up for trying new things. If you're looking for a good friend to have in your corner, Natalie is your girl.

She's a human but she is in the know, albeit a bit reluctantly. When Eric revealed his true species she did not handle it well and only came to believe it all after learning of her stepfather's supernatural origins. For the most part she tries to forget the supernatural side of Havenwood even exists, though she isn't hostile or against it--just unsure and, frankly, slightly scared.

I'm open to whatever with Natalie so just let me know if you need anything! She could definitely use some friends or something though. :]



New Character!

Hey all!

We've got a new character to add so when you've got a moment, please run the friend all button to update your friends list. If you can't access the button, make sure to comment below using the journal that doesn't have access so I can add them to the proper list.


Jul. 8th, 2019



Random Character Development Questions

Comment below with any character from the directory to find out...
  • Does sleep come easy to them or no? What does their bedtime routine look like?
  • If they could only have one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
  • What would they bring with them to pass the time on a long flight?
  • Do they play an instrument? If not, have the ever wanted to learn?
  • What movies are the most nostalgic for them?
  • Do they know how to cook? If so, what's their favorite thing to make?
  • Sweet or savory?
  • How do they like to unwind after a long day?
  • What is their relationship with their extended family like? Are they the kind of person who's very close to aunts, uncles, and cousins? Or are they the kind of person who barely remembers they exist?
  • If they had to pick to one song to listen to for ten hours straight, what would it be?
  • What is their morning routine like? Are they a morning person or no?
  • What is their pain threshold like? Will a stubbed toe take them down, or does it take something much more drastic?
  • Are they a binge watcher or do they prefer to stretch shows out? What kind of shows do they like? Are there any that they re-watch with any kind of frequency?
  • Do they have read receipts on?
  • If they had to sell their soul to save one person, who would it be and why?
Shamelessly stolen from sunshine-memes.

Jun. 26th, 2019



Aeryn Reporting for Duty!


So based on my old list of replies I owe, etc., here is a small list of threads and stuff I want to focus on for the rest of June and going into July:
  • Aisling/Morgan: An Important Discussion - I'd like to work toward completing this.
  • Aisling/Flynn: We'll Meet Again - Also another completion goal with the idea that this gets us closer to introducing Cavan.
I know both of these threads above are on my turn, but I wanted to list them and put some focus there.
  • Any of Declan's threads.
  • Any Sullivan interaction. I'd really like to see some build-up of Sullivan interaction, especially amongst the family itself and establish those connections we've been discussing. Again, some of this falls on me since I know I owe at least one starter in this particular area.
  • Emma/Joseph: When Two People Get Together
  • Ben/RJ: The Fate of Ben Turner
  • Becca/Zee: Just Dropping In (thread)
  • Starters I owe.
In return, what threads can I help you progress with? Or, what characters would you like to focus on that I can help in that regard?

Jun. 25th, 2019



Here's the Skinny

Hi everyone!

Since I think I've got the Mod journal mostly put together and the Comms done, I figured a "Here's What's Gonna Happen" post should be done. But, first, what still needs to be completed on the Mod journal:
  • SPECIES. I still need to find images for the journal entry. Once I do and edit them, that'll be finished.
  • TAKEN PBs. It's 98% finished, there are just a few images that need to be sent to me and journals that need to be created and added before it can be called finished/completed.
  • MEMBERS DROPBOX. This needs to be done and it'll be real soon. Completed - You should be able to access it now to leave comments and whatnot. If you don't see it, make sure you've run the friends button or let me know by leaving a comment below so I can fix it.
  • PLAYERS DIRECTORY. It's mostly up, it's just a matter of adding images and links. Once it's done, I actually want to get your sign off on it because I have an alternative if y'all don't like how it looks. Completed. You should be able to access it and if you can't, please let me know as soon as you can.
Alright, onto the real stuff. So, I was asked over the weekend whether or not we're starting over since we're moving back to IJ. The answer to that question is a resounding no. I don't know about anyone else, but I really don't want to start over yet again. In terms of your threads that you're currently involved in on JCINK, feel free to move the ones you want to continue with over to [info]havenwoodlogs and keep trucking with them.

Second thing I need to draw attention to is that the Rules & Guidelines have been mostly overhauled and revamped. It's extremely important that you read them and get acquainted with them, especially the section pertaining to activity, because that is how we'll be moving forward in Havenwood (I'll be posting a check-in later today after I've slept to give you an idea of what to expect).

Uhhh... As far I know, I believe almost everyone has been added to the entry tags and should be listed in the sidebar to the right because they've been added to the tags masterlist. If you don't see your character, leave a comment on this post and tell me as soon as you can so I can add them as soon as I can (lol).

And... I think that's it? Well, for now, at least. Hope y'all had a great weekend!


Jun. 21st, 2019



Tags Masterlist

If a tag is missing or you'd like to suggest one, please leave a comment in the Members Dropbox.